花开不一定倾城,但一定花开靓丽,百花酿 BaiHuaNiang Lora 展示,附带AI绘画提示词

花开不一定倾城,但一定花开靓丽,百花酿 BaiHuaNiang Lora 展示,附带AI绘画提示词

花开不一定倾城,但一定花开靓丽,百花酿 BaiHuaNiang Lora 展示,附带AI绘画提示词_Qpipi
花开不一定倾城,但一定花开靓丽,百花酿 BaiHuaNiang Lora 展示,附带AI绘画提示词
许可证:CreativeML Open RAIL++-M

百花酿 BaiHuaNiang 的姑娘娇艳如玫瑰、香如兰花、雅如梅花、贵如牡丹,她们,花开不一定倾城,但一定花开靓丽。

使用majicmixSombre等 + BaiHuaNiang Lora在Stable Diffusion制作的绘图作品,我会给出Stable Diffusion提示指令,各位可以自己尝试微调不同人物场景,请在社区分享您的作品,我会继续改进。喜欢请给我一个赞,谢谢!

图片[13]_花开不一定倾城,但一定花开靓丽,百花酿 BaiHuaNiang Lora 展示,附带AI绘画提示词_Qpipi
Best quality, masterpiece, ultra high res, raw photo, beautiful and aesthetic,deep shadow, dark theme,(photorealistic:1.4),
1girl, hard candy, lace corset, baihuaniang,flower, 
Graceful poise, evocative atmosphere, magnetic presence, refined seduction, captivating mystique,
Intricate zentangle patterns, a single female figure, astonishing level of detail, artistically nude, generously endowed, full-body composition, striking perspective, a chaotic masterpiece, gracefully poised, inspired by brutalist architecture, vibrant color palette, undertones,
Negative prompt: bad-artist,negative_hand-neg,paintings,sketches, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, normal quality, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)),(wood,stone:1.2),(semi-realistic, cgi, 3d, render, sketch, cartoon, drawing, anime:1.4),text, close up, cropped, out of frame, jpeg artifacts, ugly, duplicate, morbid, mutilated, extra fingers, mutated hands, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, mutation, deformed, dehydrated, bad anatomy, bad proportions, extra limbs, cloned face, disfigured, gross proportions, malformed limbs, missing arms, missing legs, extra arms, extra legs, fused fingers, too many fingers, long neck, long arms,bad feet, ((wrong feet)),(wrong shoes),distorted,multiple feet, bad knees, letter, tatoo, (badhandv4:0.9666)
Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 20, Seed: 764169337, Size: 512x768, Model hash: 2de691b494, Model: majicmixReverie_v10, Denoising strength: 0.44, Clip skip: 2, ENSD: 31337, Version: v1.2.0, ADetailer model: face_yolov8s.pt, ADetailer conf: 30, ADetailer dilate/erode: 30, ADetailer mask blur: 4, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.33, ADetailer inpaint full: True, ADetailer inpaint padding: 0, ADetailer use separate steps: True, ADetailer steps: 28, ADetailer use separate CFG scale: True, ADetailer CFG scale: 7.0, ADetailer ControlNet model: control_v11p_sd15_inpaint [ebff9138], ADetailer ControlNet weight: 1.0, ADetailer model 2nd: hand_yolov8n.pt, ADetailer prompt 2nd: (beautiful hand), ADetailer negative prompt 2nd: badhandv4, ADetailer conf 2nd: 30, ADetailer dilate/erode 2nd: 12, ADetailer mask blur 2nd: 4, ADetailer denoising strength 2nd: 0.4, ADetailer inpaint full 2nd: True, ADetailer inpaint padding 2nd: 0, ADetailer version: 23.5.12, Hires upscale: 2, Hires steps: 20, Hires upscaler: ESRGAN_4x2, Dynamic thresholding enabled: True, Mimic scale: 7, Threshold percentile: 100, Mimic mode: Half Cosine Up, Mimic scale minimum: 6.5, CFG mode: Half Cosine Up, CFG scale minimum: 6, AddNet Enabled: True, AddNet Module 1: LoRA, AddNet Model 1: BaihuaNiang百花酿(69333fa32af6), AddNet Weight A 1: 0.75, AddNet Weight B 1: 0.75, ControlNet 0: "preprocessor: inpaint_global_harmonious, model: control_v11p_sd15_inpaint [ebff9138], weight: 1.0, starting/ending: (0.0, 1.0), resize mode: ResizeMode.INNER_FIT, pixel perfect: True, control mode: ControlMode.BALANCED, preprocessor params: (512, 64, 64)"




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