Milla Jovovich 米拉 乔沃维奇 lycoris_名人堂AI模型社区_AI绘画圈子_Qpipi

Milla Jovovich 米拉 乔沃维奇 lycoris

米拉·乔沃维奇(英语:Milla Jovovich;塞尔维亚语:Милица Јововић;俄语:Милла Йовович,1975年12月17日—)是一位美国模特儿、女演员、音乐家、歌手及时装设计师。 她是欧莱雅、香蕉共和国、克里斯汀·迪奥、唐娜·凯伦与范思哲等品牌的模特儿,并曾演出一些电视影片。

她在电影方面因演出《第五元素》、《圣女贞德》、《3D剑客联盟:云端之战》、《倒数行动》以及《生化危机》系列电影而出名。唯一的音乐专辑是《神曲》。 Milla Jovovich 米拉 乔沃维奇 lycoris

analog style, modelshoot style, portrait of sks woman, epic (photo, studio lighting, hard light, sony a7, 50 mm, matte skin, pores, colors, hyperdetailed, hyperrealistic), <lora:locon_milla_v1_from_v1_64_32:1.3>
Negative prompt: text, b&w, illustration, painting, cartoon, 3d, bad art, poorly drawn, close up, blurry, disfigured, deformed, extra limbs
Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7.0, Seed: 3395064447, Size: 512x704, Model hash: 81086e2b3f, Model: realisticVisionV20_v20, Seed resize from: -1x-1, Denoising strength: 0.2, Hires upscale: 2.2, Hires upscaler: 8x_NMKD-Faces_160000_G

Milla Jovovich 米拉 乔沃维奇 lycoris

A stunning intricate full color portrait of (sks woman:1), wearing a black turtleneck, epic character composition, by ilya kuvshinov, alessio albi, nina masic, sharp focus, natural lighting, subsurface scattering, f2, 35mm, film grain, <lora:locon_milla_v1_from_v1_64_32:1.3>
Negative prompt: cartoon, 3d, ((disfigured)), ((bad art)), ((deformed)), ((poorly drawn)), ((extra limbs)), ((b&w)), weird colors, blurry
Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7.0, Seed: 939511098, Size: 512x704, Model hash: 9aba26abdf, Model: deliberate_v2, Seed resize from: -1x-1, Denoising strength: 0.2, Hires upscale: 2.2, Hires upscaler: 8x_NMKD-Faces_160000_G




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